Happy Autumn from Trial By Woman (Nov. 21, 2018)
Hello Dear Ones and Happy Autumn,
We hope this finds you cozy and curled up with everything you need for a warm, delicious, and compelling Fall. We have some exciting news to share!
First, we are so happy to announce that our book, Trial By Woman, has GONE TO PRINT and is in the Trial Guides warehouse! It should be available for purchase in the NEXT FEW WEEKS!!! You can find our book for sale at Trial Guides, as well as on our website. We will keep you updated!
We hope you can join us at one of the many events we will be having over the next few months to celebrate our book. We will announce everything soon; so, look for us on Instagram and check our website for details!
The last few months have been a whirlwind for both of us. Theresa has been preparing a trial with Keith Bruno in Riverside County, which will get started in mid-December. (If you are in the area, you are welcome to come!) Courtney and Nick went up to Seattle to try a birth injury case representing separate plaintiffs. The case settled after their voir dires, openings, and cross of the defendant doctor. Courtney celebrated, along with an incredible group of Seattle women, with a gorgeous pop-up Trial By Woman dinner. They laughed and cried and relaxed and shined in each other’s company, with plenty of beautiful food and wine, of course!
We all deserve congratulations on an astounding election season!!! So many of you participated in our drive to encourage voter turnout. Regardless of your politics, we can all agree that the results were stupendous. Congratulations to the incredible women who had the selflessness to run. We are so blessed to have such courageous women as examples for us and our children!
Speaking of examples, this month we have been thinking a lot about civility and opening channels of communication. NPR recently released a poll that found that 4 out of 5 voters (both sides) believe that incivility will lead to violence in our country. It might appear that some of our leaders have their priorities scrambled, but we want to remind you that we have a lot to feel hopeful about, even if there is plenty of work to do:
“There’s a lot to feel hopeful about. And a lot to feel angry about. What’s abundantly clear is that the victories that we can celebrate today were won not because of a healthy and functioning democracy, but in spite of a system that’s been rigged from the beginning. In spite of virulent racism. In spite of misogynist rhetoric and barriers to entry. In spite of systems that favor the rich and the white and the male, and the privileged. In spite of gerrymandering and voter suppression. In spite of white women voting over and over again for politicians who uphold a racist patriarchy.
Still. I’m choosing hope. I’m looking to these leaders—elected or not—for guidance. I’m hoping it’s clear that what’s needed is more work, not less. “
–Erin Boyle, author of Simple Matters
As lawyers, we are leaders. Not just in the courtroom, but in the world. This month, we are doing the work by talking about (and practicing) kindness, etiquette (something very close to Theresa’s heart, as a Southerner), and compassion with your friends, neighbors, spouses, and children. Let's take it a step further together: reach out of our usual circles, introduce ourselves to someone, get uncomfortable. Need some ideas? Send someone you don’t know that well a hand written note (on good stationary), drop off food to a neighbor, grab your kids and go volunteer over the weekend, re-read that email before you send it, tell someone close to you how you feel—even if you think they already know, take the time to educate yourself about a person or people you don’t know much about. Expand your exposure by reading things by people who have different opinions, backgrounds, and experiences from you. As women, we can become the bridges that unite. Set the example by being the change you want to see, and you’ll be amazed at the velocity you can create, the creativity you will inspire, and the impact you’ll have on the world around you.
We are looking forward to a fantastic launch of Trial By Woman and hope it will be a catalyst for creativity and provide momentum for all of us.
Sending you so much love,
Courtney and Theresa
P.S., In case you're new, the links in these e-mails are things that make us happy or interest us. We hope they do the same for you!
New Video Posted to The Forum "Imperfect Clients" (Oct. 17, 2018) If you are not yet a member of The Forum please click here to find out how to sign up.
Trial By Woman Fall Newsletter (Sept. 10, 2018)
Hello Dears and Happy Early Fall,
We hope you had a colorful summer and are cozying up for a delicious September.
We had a great summer. Courtney and her family went on a wild travel adventure to Europe and Theresa spent some fantastic time in the sun with her family in Palm Desert and Hawaii. We also did a lot of work. We finished the last copy edits on our book, Trial By Woman (waaaahoo!!!!) and are hoping to have it available very soon. In case travel is in your future, we have been working hard on a very special case with our friends in Tulsa—and we highly recommend a visit!
Lately, our attention has been on the Supreme Court nominations. In times like these, with work, family, lives, getting involved in public discourse can feel overwhelming if not futile. We want to remind you that there is a lot you can do, as that as a woman, your voice matters. Every day is an opportunity to raise the vibration of our world and the people in it. Lawyers are leaders, and you are more powerful than you will ever know.
If there is one thing we as women lawyers can do this year, it is to educate ourselves about local elections, VOTE, and, just as importantly, encourage others to do the same.
THERE ARE STILL A FEW SPACES LEFT at the Santa Barbara Trial By Human Ethics seminar, which Trial By Woman is co-sponsoring. The 16 CLE seminar is Friday October 5- Sunday October 7 2018 and includes lodging at the gorgeous Canary in Santa Barbara, California. Enter the code TRIALBYWOMAN at checkout. If you can’t make it to Santa Barbara, check our website later this month for the the killer swag we made. Meanwhile, here's some other cool swag out there.
Also, We’ve had some incredible content on The Forum, our listserve, so join us if you haven’t already. In case you missed it, this month SaraEllen, from Tacoma Washington, posted her kick ass oral arguments in the 9thcircuit. GO SARAELLEN!!!!
Finally, like always, we want to remind you to take good care of yourselves, make space and remember to slow down for joy this month. Ladies, this is going to be a great fall.
“We measure success by how many people successful next to you…” Boss, The Carters.
From our families to yours, much love,
Courtney and Theresa
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