Congratulations to Theresa on her record 857m verdict against Monsanto for PCB poisoning of women and children! >><<
Congratulations to Theresa on her record 857m verdict against Monsanto for PCB poisoning of women and children! >><<
As Featured on Goop!
We are changing the way women practice law.
Trial By Woman is a community of national trial lawyers, mothers, daughters, legal professionals, business owners, students and friends from across the country who gather to support, encourage, and work with one another in an effort to propel the shift out of the patriarchal hierarchy and into the new collaborative, egalitarian future. Together, we are putting the past on trial so that we can design a brighter, more vibrant, prosperous future. Women helping women and men; women healing the world and each other.
We are national trial lawyers with extensive verdicts and settlements nationwide for injury victims and their families and we are working to help grow and support a network of women lawyers as they increase their value both in and out of the courtroom.
The historical image and role of women in the law is dissolving. We are embracing our creativity, our beauty and our intellect in new and exciting ways that are no longer defined by the past. We are adapting our work and our businesses to our needs, integrating all aspects of our dynamic selves so that we can fulfill our highest potential. Join us. We're building this community together.
Photography provided by Jaimie Baird, Brittany Szabo, Holly Ireland and Brandi Crockett.
The Pledge
The Pledge is a commitment to REFER a certain number or percentage of cases to WOMEN in the next 365 days. Want to learn more or join us?
The Refresh
The Refresh is a 5 day mini course we put together. It is in response to the gravitational pull that is shifting us back into trials. Back into normal routines and daily life. It's what we needed. We hope it's what you need, too.
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